Batch bills together and scan to your unique Dime email address as the bills come in daily or every other day depending upon your volume. Make sure to not hold bills that have an eminent due date. Do not hold your bills at your office as a means of trying to manage your cash. We do not pay bills more than 10 days ahead of the due day without your specific instruction. We print checks on Tuesdays and Thursdays; your team will help decide appropriate frequency for your check release process. 

Invoices and Bills

  1. The account number must be on each invoice/bill rather than in the body of the email.
  2. Verify that the amount and contents of the invoice are correct. If a change needs to be made to the amount due please specify that on the invoice.
  3. Payments for services to individuals, LLC’s, unincorporated business, landlords for rent, and to attorneys, all require that we receive Form W9 in order to process and make a payment. We will not issue a check without a W9 form on file. Expense reimbursements do not need a W9 (this would not be a payment for services). 
  4. All accounts payable items should be scanned using a pdf file as a BATCH as mentioned above; please do not send each individual bill as a separate email or separate attachment. 
  5. Please remember to keep accounts payable batch separate from receipts batch.
  6. We do not pay from statements since they do not show invoice details. Please send actual invoice rather than statement for processing.
Payment without an invoice

  1. If you need to pay someone who isn’t able to give you an invoice, please fill out the Dime Check Request form. (Paying someone back for things they have already purchased would be considered an expense report item, not a check request)
  2. An approval signature is required on all check requests. These are entered due upon receipt.
  3. For first time payments to individuals and companies that are not incorporated, a W9 is required to accompany the check request if service or labor was performed. The check cannot be processed until the W9 is submitted. We will save the W9 to the server and will not request for it each time.
  4. You should keep a copy of the check request. Please see "Filing your documents” below.
  5. This can be scanned with the other Accounts Payable items to be processed.
  6. Check Request Form - This form is used to request a payment only in the case when no invoice or no expense report is available. Vendors who perform service or product should always provide an invoice. However, sometimes you need to make a payment to an individual without an invoice – this is how you do it. Fill out the form info, assign an account code, sign it, date it and email it to us. 
  7. And don’t forget we may need a W9 from the individual to accompany the request.

Reimbursements to individuals

  1. Fill out the Dime Expense Report form including detailed information for what the reimbursement is for along with a valid account number.
  2. Your department manager must sign and approve each expense report showing their approval of the payment. We will not be able to pay a bill unless it is approved by a manager. These are keyed in as due upon receipt.
  3. You should keep a copy of this expense report. Please see "Filing your documents” below.
  4. This can be scanned with the other Accounts Payable items to be processed.

Filing your documents

Recommended filing system:

Filing by Vendor – Allows for easy research of vendor payments and receipts. This is the recommended filing method.

  1. Create a file/folder for each letter of the alphabet
  2. File according to vendor name or the Last Name of an individual.
    1. It is recommended to record the SENT TO DIME date on the invoice.
  3. Keep at least 2 years invoices in current files and then aggregate prior years and move to an archived file/folder for access if necessary.
Not recommended filing system dates - file by submission – Does not allow for easy research of vendor payments or receipts.

Acknowledgement of submission

Our DESK system will acknowledge your submission. It is very important part of the process so if you do not see an acknowledgment, please investigate with your bookkeeper.

**Please talk to your Controller about using the approval workflow (additional fees may apply)