After adding an expense to a report, you can make a number of other changes to the expense:
  1. On the home screen, tap Expense Reports.
  2. On the Active Reports screen, tap the report you want to view.
  3. On the Report Details screen, tap the expense you want to edit
  4. Make the desired changes.
    1. If there are any empty required fields, you must complete the field before you can save your changes
      1. Confirm Expense Type, Date, Business Purpose, Vendor Description, Payment Type, Amount, Class, etc. are completed and accurate. 
    2. Review any exception messages for the expense and address them. Common exception resolutions include attaching a required receipt or adding a purpose.
  5. To add a receipt, tap Add Receipt, and then do one of the following:
    1. Take a picture of the receipt
    2. Select an existing image from your Photo Album
    3. Select a receipt from your Receipts Store
  6. Tap Save.